Albert Gran Alcoz
PhD student

Albert Gran Alcoz

I am a last-year PhD student in the Networked Systems Group lead by Prof. Dr. Laurent Vanbever. My research interests are Network Programmability and Security. Part of my work is funded by armasuisse and the Zurich Information Security & Privacy Center (ZISC).

From July 2023 to October 2023, I visited the Berkeley NetSys Lab at the University of California, Berkeley, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Sylvia Ratnasamy and Prof. Dr. Scott Shenker.

From February 2016 to July 2016, I was a visiting researcher at the Broadband Wireless Networking Lab, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz, working on Network Virtualization for 5G Software-Defined Cellular Systems.

Prior to joining ETH Zürich, I received a Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (2018) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Science and Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (2016), both from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona, Spain.

I have worked in industry for organizations like Cloudflare (2023), IBM (2017), and CERN (2015).


Aggregate-Based Congestion Control for Pulse-Wave DDoS Defense

SP-PIFO: Approximating Push-In First-Out Behaviors using Strict-Priority Queues


Supervised Theses

Interactive Synthesis of Network Queries from Traffic Examples (MA)
Student: Félicité Lordon
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Tibor Schneider, and Laurent Vanbever
PACKS: A Practical Abstraction for Programmable Packet Scheduling (SA)
Student: Nicole Wenzinger
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz and Laurent Vanbever
O4: A Higher-level Data-plane Programming Language (MA)
Student: Eric Marty
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Coralie Busse-Grawitz, and Laurent Vanbever
Boosting QoE in Internet Applications using Programmable Packet Scheduling (GA)
Student: Sharat Chandra Madanapalli
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Self-protecting Networks from IoT-based Attacks (MA)
Student: Noa Melchior
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Roland Meier, and Laurent Vanbever
Improving Performance with Network-aware Scheduling Algorithms (SA)
Student: Robin Berner
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Traffic-analysis Attacks over Encrypted HTTP from the Data Plane (MA)
Student: Jan Müller
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Roland Meier, and Laurent Vanbever