Ege Cem Kırcı
I am a third-year Ph.D. student at ETH in the Networked Systems Group led by Laurent Vanbever. My focus is on Internet measurement and future routing mechanisms.
I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2017) and also in Industrial Engineering (2017) both from Koç University; in my hometown Istanbul, Turkey.
I received my Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (2020) from ETH Zurich, where I spent most of my time at the NSG.
Before coming to Zurich, I spent a semester as an exchange student at Northwestern University, in Illinois, USA.
Research Area
Available Theses
Running Theses
Developing a performant and interactive network traffic visualization dashboard
Student: Alexander Rupp
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Alexander Rupp
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Supervised Theses
Investigating Policy-based Routing Inference with Artificial Topologies
Student: Valerio Torsiello
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Valerio Torsiello
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Investigating the Pricing Structure of Transient Providers
Student: Joël Lingg
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Joël Lingg
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Extensions to World Traffic
Student: Lars Lenherr
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Lars Lenherr
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
The Ramifications of Physical Failures on the Logical Internet
Student: Kilian Dasen
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Muoi Tran, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Kilian Dasen
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Muoi Tran, and Laurent Vanbever
Profiling NSG Routes in Public Internet
Student: Marco Di Nardo
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Marco Di Nardo
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Modeling of Partial Internet Outages
Student: Valerio Torsiello
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Valerio Torsiello
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Detecting Internet Events
Student: Martin Vahlensieck
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Martin Vahlensieck
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Building a Reactive Caching System with Serverless Computing
Student: Tobias Buner
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Rui Yang, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tobias Buner
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Rui Yang, and Laurent Vanbever
Website Fingerprinting in the Data Plane
Student: Sunniva Flück
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Roland Meier, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Sunniva Flück
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Roland Meier, and Laurent Vanbever