Theses for Bachelor and Master Students
Our group offers projects for ETH students in D-ITET and D-INFK (if you’re in another department, please contact us first). On this page, you will find a non-exhaustive list of currently open, ongoing and past projects. We tend to publish new theses around the beginning and the end of the semesters.
If you are interested in doing a project in our group, you are welcome to contact us at
Note that we receive many more requests than we are able to supervise. To maximize your chances, please contact us early and provide relevant background information for a project, including:
- the topics/areas you are most interested in;
- your current studies status (Bachelor or Master, which semester);
- your grades transcript (check myStudies);
- any past projects and/or industry experience;
- any particular skill or programming experience;
- why you are interested in doing a project in our group, in particular.
From experience, a good alignment between the student’s interests and skills with the project goals goes a long way to make projects successful and enjoyable for everyone. So if you are particularly excited about a specific topic, or even have a project idea of your own to propose, please tell us about it!
To look for networking topics, we encourage you to check out our research areas, recent work, and researchers.
Available Theses
Supervisors: Pietro Ronchetti, Tobias Bühler, and Laurent Vanbever
Supervisors: Ayush Mishra and Laurent Vanbever
Supervisors: Jean Mégret, Tibor Schneider, and Laurent Vanbever
Supervisors: Florian Heemeyer, Ege Cem Kırcı, and Laurent Vanbever
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Valerio Torsiello, and Laurent Vanbever
Supervisors: Laurin Brandner, Georgia Fragkouli, and Laurent Vanbever
Supervisors: Georgia Fragkouli, Roland Schmid, and Laurent Vanbever
Running Theses
Student: Fangyun Lin
Supervisors: Valerio Torsiello and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Bas Niekel
Supervisors: Laurin Brandner and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Alexander Rupp
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Valentin Jenny
Supervisors: Tibor Schneider, Jean Mégret, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Lyubomir Yanev
Supervisors: Pietro Ronchetti, Martin Strohmeier, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Alessandro Giaconia
Supervisors: Muoi Tran and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Priska Steinebrunner
Supervisors: Romain Jacob, Weiran Wang, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jan Matter
Supervisors: Muoi Tran, Ayush Mishra, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tim Distel
Supervisors: Lukas Röllin and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Guanshujie Fu
Supervisors: Valerio Torsiello, Lukas Röllin, Muoi Tran, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Teodora Rajkovic
Supervisor: Laurent Vanbever
Completed Theses
Student: Adrien Nelson Rey
Supervisors: Muoi Tran and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Leonard Wechsler
Supervisors: Lukas Röllin and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Zhu Hao
Supervisors: Laurin Brandner and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Xinge Xie
Supervisors: Georgia Fragkouli, Laurin Brandner, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Kevin Marti
Supervisors: Laurin Brandner, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jonathan Chung
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Valentin Jenny
Supervisors: Tibor Schneider and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Maurice Behanzin
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Nikodem Kernbach
Supervisors: Muoi Tran, Theo von Arx, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jonathan Rappl
Supervisors: Tibor Schneider, Yu Chen, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Clemens Klopfstein
Supervisors: Georgia Fragkouli, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jackie Lim
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Benjamin Hoffman
Supervisors: Alexander Dietmüller and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Alessandro Giaconia
Supervisors: Muoi Tran and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Rahul Bhuiyan
Supervisors: Yu Chen, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Andreas Hunziker
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Dominic Bieri
Supervisors: Roland Schmid, Georgia Fragkouli, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Dominique Portenier
Supervisors: Theo von Arx, Muoi Tran, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Valerio Torsiello
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Simon Englert, Leonard Wechsler
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Joël Lingg
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Lukas Röllin
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Lars Lenherr
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Kilian Dasen
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Muoi Tran, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Nick Tuninga
Supervisors: Georgia Fragkouli, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Hande Harputluoglu
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler, Roland Schmid, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Valerio Torsiello
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Hande Harputluoglu
Supervisors: Roland Schmid, Tobias Bühler, Georgia Fragkouli, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jackie Lim
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jakob Wöhler
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Spencer Tellini
Supervisors: Alexander Dietmüller and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Kai De Windt
Supervisors: Lioba Heimbach, Muoi Tran, and Roger Wattenhofer
Student: Steven Peter
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Marco Di Nardo
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Georg Schwan
Supervisors: Roland Schmid, Tibor Schneider, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Andri Furrer
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Maximilian Stabel
Supervisors: Roland Schmid, Tibor Schneider, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Siddhant Ray
Supervisors: Laurent Vanbever, Alexander Dietmüller, and Romain Jacob
Student: Sebastian Reidy
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Theo von Arx
Supervisors: Muoi Tran and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Teodora Rajkovic
Supervisors: Romain Jacob, Edgar Costa Molero, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Alain Kohli
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler, Coralie Busse-Grawitz, Tibor Schneider, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Lina Gehri
Supervisors: Roland Meier, Vincent Lenders, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Martin Vahlensieck
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jurij Nota
Supervisors: Edgar Costa Molero and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Sandro Lutz
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler, Roland Schmid, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Leonardo Rodoni
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler and Thomas Graf
Student: Félicité Lordon
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Tibor Schneider, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jan Urech
Supervisors: Roland Meier, Daniel Hulliger, and Vincent Lenders
Student: Gregor Drelichowska
Supervisors: Laurent Vanbever and Tibor Schneider
Student: Yu Chen
Supervisors: Tibor Schneider, Roland Schmid, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Lukas Röllin
Supervisors: Alexander Dietmüller, Romain Jacob, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tobias Buner
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Rui Yang, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Kaishuo Zhang
Supervisors: Roland Schmid and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Pietro Ronchetti
Supervisors: Coralie Busse-Grawitz and Laurent Vanbever
Student: David Carminati
Supervisors: Tibor Schneider and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Hendrik Züllig
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Sandro Lutz
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach, Tobias Bühler, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tim Bohren
Supervisors: Coralie Busse-Grawitz, Ruben Merz, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Eduard Bachmakov
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler, Thomas Graf, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Martin Vahlensieck
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Yu Chen
Supervisors: Rüdiger Birkner, Rui Yang, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Fredrik Nestaas
Supervisors: Alexander Dietmüller and Romain Jacob
Student: Nicole Wenzinger
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Siddhant Ray
Supervisors: Edgar Costa Molero and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Lina Gehri
Supervisors: Alexander Dietmüller, Rüdiger Birkner, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Alex Studer
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach, Tobias Bühler, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Eric Marty
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Coralie Busse-Grawitz, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Dominic Bieri
Supervisors: Roland Schmid and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jurij Nota
Supervisors: Edgar Costa Molero and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Zhengqing Liu
Supervisors: Romain Jacob, Roland Schmid, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Sunniva Flück
Supervisors: Ege Cem Kırcı, Roland Meier, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Nicolas Adam
Supervisors: Edgar Costa Molero, Alexander Dietmüller, Roland Meier, Rui Yang, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Patrick Wintermeyer
Supervisors: Maria Apostolaki, Alexander Dietmüller, Edgar Costa Molero, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Kévin Selänne
Supervisors: Romain Jacob and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tibor Schneider
Supervisors: Laurent Vanbever and Rüdiger Birkner
ABB Research Award 2021
Student: Robin Berner
Supervisors: Rüdiger Birkner, Coralie Busse-Grawitz, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Leonardo Rodoni
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Ege Cem Kirci
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Denis Mikhaylov
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach, Tobias Bühler, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Manuel Pulfer
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach, Tobias Bühler, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tim Bohren
Supervisors: Rüdiger Birkner, Coralie Busse-Grawitz, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Kirill Meisser
Supervisors: Rüdiger Birkner and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Patrick Wintermeyer
Supervisors: Maria Apostolaki, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Livio Sgier
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Yannick Merkli
Supervisors: Roland Meier, Martin Strohmeier, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Long He
Supervisors: Alexander Dietmüller, Maria Apostolaki, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Sharat Chandra Madanapalli
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Matthias Bräm
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Eric Marty
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach, Tobias Bühler, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Noa Melchior
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Roland Meier, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Carsten Barth
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tino Rellstab
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Robin Berner
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Boya Wang
Supervisors: Maria Apostolaki, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tomer Gidron
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jan Müller
Supervisors: Albert Gran Alcoz, Roland Meier, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tibor Schneider
Supervisors: Edgar Costa Molero, Roland Meier, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Hanjing Gao
Supervisors: Rüdiger Birkner and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Áedán Christie, Marco Di Nardo, Lina Gehri
Supervisors: Alexander Dietmüller and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tomer Gidron
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Stephan Keck
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tom Kuchler
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tino Rellstab
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler, Thomas Holterbach, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Hendrik Züllig
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Matthias Stähli
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Ege Cem Kirci
Supervisors: Simon Kassing, Ankit Singla, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Coralie Busse-Grawitz
Supervisors: Roland Meier, Tobias Bühler, Alexander Dietmüller, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Stephan Keck
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Philipp Mao
Supervisors: Rüdiger Birkner and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Dimitra Azariadi
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Jan-Philipp Schulze
Supervisors: Maria Apostolaki and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Fabian Schleiss
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach, Edgar Costa Molero, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Antonios Karkatsoulis
Supervisors: Ankit Singla and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Ege Cem Kirci
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Alexander Dietmüller
Supervisors: Tobias Bühler and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Albert Gran Alcoz
Supervisors: Edgar Costa Molero and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Piet De Vaere
Supervisors: Brian Trammell, Mirja Kühlewind, Laurent Vanbever, and Tobias Bühler
Student: Nicolas Känzig
Supervisors: Roland Meier, Luca Gambazzi, Vincent Lenders, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Ruggiero Dargenio
Supervisor: Una-May O'Reilly
Student: Giorgio Tresoldi
Supervisor: Vincent Lenders
Student: Jan Müller
Supervisors: Maria Apostolaki and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Samuel Steffen
Supervisors: Petar Tsankov, Dana Drachsler Cohen, Timon Gehr, Martin Vechev, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Nicola Rustignoli
Supervisors: Desislava Dimitrova, Ioannis Liagouris, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Fabian Schleiss
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Michael Walter
Supervisors: Brian Trammell and Mirja Kühlewind
Student: Andreas Germann
Supervisors: Mirja Kühlewind and Brian Trammell
Student: Coralie Busse-Grawitz
Supervisors: Roland Meier and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Roman May
Supervisors: Ahmed El-Hassany and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Pierre Dumont-dit-Voitel
Supervisors: Roland Meier, David Gugelmann, and Vincent Lenders
Student: Andreas Pantelopoulos
Supervisors: Maria Apostolaki, Edgar Costa Molero, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Giorgio Tresoldi
Supervisor: Vincent Lenders
Student: Christelle Gloor
Supervisors: Ahmed El-Hassany and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Cornelia Scherrer
Supervisors: David Gugelmann, Roland Meier, and Vincent Lenders
Student: Philipp Mao
Supervisors: Rüdiger Birkner, Thomas Holterbach, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Severin Amrein
Supervisors: Mirja Kühlewind and David Gugelmann
Student: Rüdiger Birkner
Supervisors: Nick Feamster and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Simon Miescher
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Piet De Vaere
Supervisors: Mirja Kühlewind and Brian Trammell
Student: Floyd Basler
Supervisors: Maria Apostolaki and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Elio Gubser
Supervisors: Brian Trammell and Mirja Kühlewind
Student: Ruggiero Dargenio
Supervisor: David Gugelmann
Student: Pavlos Lamprakis
Supervisors: David Gugelmann and Markus Happe
Student: Edgar Costa Molero
Supervisor: Laurent Vanbever
Student: Stefan Rietmann
Supervisor: Laurent Vanbever
Student: Dominic Brütsch
Supervisors: Mirja Kühlewind and Brian Trammell
Student: Ferran Llamas Arroniz
Supervisors: Stefano Vissicchio and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Andreas Germann
Supervisors: Brian Trammell and Mirja Kühlewind
Student: Stephan Dollberg
Supervisors: João Luís Sobrinho and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Martin Müller
Supervisors: Brian Trammell and Mirja Kühlewind
Student: James Guthrie
Supervisor: Laurent Vanbever
Student: Maciej Bednarek
Supervisors: Mirja Kühlewind and Brian Trammell
Student: Damian Scherrer
Supervisors: Bernhard Ager, Vasileios Kotronis, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Roland Meier
Supervisors: David Gugelmann and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Pascal Sprenger
Supervisors: Mirja Kühlewind and Brian Trammell
Student: Jeremie Miserez
Supervisors: Pavol Bielik, Martin Vechev, and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tobias Bühler
Supervisors: Bernhard Ager and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Tabita Arn
Supervisor: Laurent Vanbever
Student: Roman May
Supervisors: Thomas Holterbach and Laurent Vanbever
Student: Rüdiger Birkner
Supervisors: Vasileios Kotronis and Laurent Vanbever